About Penis Lengthening
Many men consider undergoing penis enhancement procedures either due to an injury, traumatic incident, or from their natural genetics that cause them to be unsatisfied with their current length. This surgical procedure at the Center for Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery is designed to increase the length of the visible or apparent portion of the penile shaft by releasing the penile ligament from underneath the pubic bone. Dr. Fara Movagharnia is a board-certified plastic surgeon and is very skilled in performing male treatments that help boost self-confidence while maintaining a natural appearance. Dr. Movagharnia will perform every consultation and operation with the utmost privacy, professionalism, and discretion to make everyone as comfortable as possible. Call our Atlanta, GA office today if you're considering penis lengthening.
Ideal Candidates
This cosmetic surgery is elective and best performed on healthy patients who have realistic expectations for their outcome. Those who want to enhance their penis length are good candidates, but it is important to note that this procedure does not increase girth size. Smokers are advised to stop for two weeks prior and at least two months post surgery. Complete cessation is recommended as new research indicates that smokers heal very slowly.
Hidden Penis Surgery
A hidden penis is when the penis is partially or completely hidden in the pubic fat and skin or scrotum when standing or sitting, causing embarrassment and discomfort. This condition can be congenital or as a result of obesity, radical circumcision, chronic inflammation, aging, or various cosmetic procedures (fat injection, tummy tuck, or failed penile lengthening with a VY advancement flap).
The goal of hidden penis surgery is to combine the penile skin and erectile bodies into one unit. With most males, this can be done by elevating the pubic skin, removing the pubic fat, and tacking the pubic skin to the underlying muscles, which secures the penile skin on the pubic side. If there is no excess pubic skin or significant fat, the skin at the penopubic junction is tacked directly to the erectile bodies. Despite the above and other techniques, the penis can still stay buried in the scrotum in some patients. In order to prevent this, the skin at the penoscrotal junction is tacked to the erectile bodies to stabilize the skin to the underside of the penis.
These relatively noninvasive techniques will keep the penis exposed, thus markedly improving self-esteem and also preventing the inflammation often associated with a chronic buried penis.
Surgical Technique
The surgery is performed at an accredited hospital or surgical facility. Different incision approaches are used to release the suspensory ligament of the penis. Those incisions are made at the root of the penis (junction of the penis and pubic area). The penis is then released from its attachments to the pubic symphysis (pubic bone), freeing it up from the surface and allowing more potential for external stretching. Postoperative traction is used to reduce the chance of retraction and provide more natural shaft skin. The procedure takes less than a couple of hours to complete, and you will remain at the hospital for observation for at least 1 – 2 hours prior to discharge.
This procedure is for lengthening purposes only and does not increase girth size. However, if fat or filler injections are desired, these should be performed after you have healed from surgery, typically 6 – 12 months later.
What to Expect
The penis and scrotum are usually swollen and bruised for 2 – 3 weeks, but function and sensation should not be affected. Pain is not severe, and soreness in the groin and pubic regions (which lasts for about ten days) can be treated with light oral pain medication. The scar in the pubic hair area may take several months to fade and soften, but it is hidden and usually is not a concern. Light activities may be resumed in a week, but it is best to take at least two weeks off of work, especially if it is strenuous. It is recommended that you refrain from sexual activities for at least two weeks. Cold compresses can be used to reduce nocturnal stimulation for the first 10 – 14 days afterward.
The amount of length achieved after surgery will vary based on original size and how well the post-operative lengthening instructions were followed. Dr. Movagharnia will recommend the use of weights (traction) attached to the penis after surgery to both maintain the new length and also potentially add further length; this should be done for 6 – 9 months daily and thereafter on a weekly basis to prevent scar tissue retraction.

Increased Confidence
Boost your self-esteem and feel more confident through penis lengthening surgery. Whether you have undergone trauma, an injury, or simply were born with a penis length that you are unhappy with, this procedure can help present you with the look you desire while still maintaining full function and sensation for more satisfaction. If this surgery sounds like the answer for you, call the Center for Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery today and talk with Dr. Movagharnia about your options.