about mtf body contouring
One of the key differences of the female body as opposed to the male figure is more volume in the lower body, specifically around the hips and buttocks. Men tend to naturally have a more narrow waist and hip area, making it necessary for a male to female (MTF) body contouring procedure to be performed to aid in the transition process. This surgery is administered by Atlanta, GA plastic surgeon Dr. Fara Movagharnia and typically involves either a fat transfer method or surgical implants made of silicone or saline. The goal is to produce a natural, aesthetically pleasing result that is proportional to your overall body. Dr. Movagharnia can meet with you at the Center for Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery to discuss the different options and which would be best suited for your body type and end goals. Call our office today to schedule a consultation and learn more about MTF body contouring.
Surgical Technique
For body contouring using fat transfer, Dr. Movagharnia will first use liposuction techniques to remove fat from the body (typically in the abdomen and arms), which will be filtered and purified. Once the fat is prepared, he will carefully inject the fat into the hips and/or buttocks to achieve your desired fullness and projection. Our surgeon will typically overfill the area to account for the fat that will be reabsorbed by the body during recovery. For body contouring with silicone implants, our plastic surgeon will choose silicone implants that will meet your goals and securely place them in the hips and/or buttocks for the most natural appearance. Body contouring surgery, whether our surgeon is using a fat transfer or implants, is usually performed with the patient under general anesthesia as an outpatient surgery in an accredited surgical facility.
what to expect
After the surgery, the treated areas will be bandaged and put into compression garments to encourage blood flow. You are usually able to return home after the procedure to recover on your own with aftercare instructions and tips from Dr. Movagharnia and the rest of our staff. You should schedule and attend any recommended follow-up appointments so our plastic surgeon can assess your healing progress and results. The results from a body contouring procedure should be long lasting. However, weight fluctuation and other factors can alter your appearance.

Plan Your Procedure
- Average Cost
- $9,500 - $12,500
- Recovery Time
- 4 - 6 Weeks
- Average Procedure Time
- 3 - 4 Hours
- Post-op Follow-up
- 2 Weeks, 3 Months, 6 Months
A Full, Feminine Figure
A male to female body contouring procedure is one of the most effective ways for creating a more feminine, hourglass figure that is often associated with women. By using either a fat transfer technique or surgical implants, Dr. Movagharnia can help transform your body and give you the volume in the hips and buttocks that you've been looking for. Call to schedule a consultation today to attain your custom treatment plan and the silhouette you desire.