About Butt Implants
In some cases, the size you want your buttocks to be isn't attainable regardless of the number of squats you do. A gluteoplasty can help you gain a more symmetrical and sultry body shape. Butt augmentation (gluteoplasty) is a plastic surgery that uses silicone implants to change the look of your backside by increasing the curves. Men and women of this generation want the sexy appearance of a more voluminous backside, which is the reason the Center for Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery in Atlanta, GA is ecstatic to provide butt augmentation surgery using silicone implants. If you dream of a more curvaceous body profile, our experienced plastic surgeon, Dr. Fara Movagharnia, can design a personalized treatment plan that will answer your questions. Call our team to find out more about gluteoplasty.
Butt Implants Ideal Candidates
Women and men all around Atlanta, GA regularly consult with Dr. Movagharnia to gain more information about gluteoplasty. The best candidates typically:
- Are in good overall health
- Have great elasticity in their skin
- Wish for a more curvaceous or larger buttocks
- Have decreased fullness because of major weight loss or increased age
- Are not candidates for fat transfer procedures
Butt Implants Surgical Technique
We currently offer a selection of various implant sizes and shapes to meet your expectations. Our patients typically prefer solid, silicone elastomer implants as they provide an organic appearance. These facts will be discussed with you at your consultation where Dr. Movagharnia will help you choose the implants that best fit your individual shape. To begin your surgery, small incisions will be carefully created in the naturally present fold of the backside, and your selected implants will be securely inserted. Next, the incision sites will be sewn and bandaged. Gluteoplasty is usually an outpatient procedure and performed under general anesthesia and therefore does not require an overnight observation.
What to Expect with Butt Implants
Following butt augmentation surgery, it is not uncommon to feel discomfort and experience swelling and bruising for up to seven days. Drains will likely be placed and will need to remain in place for an entire week to allow fluid and blood to be properly expelled for maximum healing. In most cases, normal activities can be resumed after a few weeks, but you should refrain from strenuous exercise for at least six weeks. Dr. Movagharnia is experienced in the placement of implants for a curvier buttocks, so patients are often excited to find that scars are hardly noticeable. Because the incisions are made discreetly in the natural folds of the gluteus, you will feel even sexier and confident in your shorts and bathing suits knowing that your scars are not noticeable to the naked eye. To maintain optimal results, you should continue practicing a healthy diet and exercise regimen.

Plan Your Procedure
- Average Cost
- From $12,500
- Recovery Time
- 4 - 6 Weeks
- Average Procedure Time
- 3 Hours
- Post-op Follow-up
- 3 Days, 2 Weeks, 2 Months
Better Butt with Implants
If your hardworking efforts to obtain a larger butt have been in vain, consider butt augmentation with implants. Plastic surgeon Dr. Movagharnia can help you choose an implant that meets your aesthetic goals. Call the Center for Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery to set up an appointment with Dr. Movagharnia at your earliest convenience.